Your Child’s Education Has Significant Impact

Explore how an education from Jackson Christian School advances wisdom and equips children to stand firm in their faith.

History has shown that it is paramount that we recognize the benefit in right ideas and teachings.


Worldview Matters

Communication always involves a worldview. At Jackson Christian, our worldview comes from acknowledging Jesus as Lord and from recognizing that His Word is truth.


Academic Advantages

Whether it be our elementary Reading Recovery Program, STEM offerings, or the ability to complete college courses in senior high, students at Jackson Christian gain a serious edge academically.

Jackson Christian School – Finances

What It Takes Financially

Financial aid is available for all who need it. For those who commit to giving their child an education that is Christ-centered, God provides in many ways.


Living As Salt & Light

Many people say that they wish their family to be “salt and light.”  That is very Biblical!  But is that a child’s responsibility, when he or she is still young and growing in their faith?  At what point is a child salty enough to pull others toward the Kingdom without getting pulled away from the Lord?  A teaspoon of salt in five gallons of water is meaningless; a pound of salt would be noticed.  Your child grows in their saltiness as they are with others who are mature in Christ and taught from a Biblical worldview.  So many influences today deny who Christ is; children can lose their saltiness..  “But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”  (Matthew 5:13)


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